How to configure user groups: Determine who can do what in your schedule

Control which schedules your users can access and which types of appointments they can book
Nov 14, 2023 5 min read
How to configure user groups: Determine who can do what in your schedule

As the administrator of your own SuperSaaS account, you might already be familiar with superusers. Superusers are, as their name suggests, users who hold additional rights. This might be the right to schedule appointments for other users, or having the power to update your opening hours.

However, did you know that you can also provide regular users with different access levels in SuperSaaS? For example, you can grant only a specific group of users access to a specific schedule. Or, you can limit access to certain lessons. You might want to restrict which users can book certain lessons at certain times… You can even update the price of a class based on which user wants to book. Briefly put, as the administrator, you control exactly who has access to what and even the when!

Create a User Group

Let’s look at an example: You are a teacher and provide English lessons to groups of learners. Now, you would not want your beginner learners to join an advanced course (or vice versa!). This would be a perfect opportunity to implement user groups.

To create your first user group, simply head over to your Dashboard and go to User Management. Find the link “User Groups” at the top of your screen. Once you have made it onto the page, enter a name for the group and click “Add”. For this example, we will choose “Beginners” As easy as that, you are now ready to start adding users.

Assigning Users to your group

You can add users by adding them individually on the User Management screen. Click to edit the user account that should be added to your “Beginners” group, and assign the learner to the group in the popup window. If you have a long list of learner accounts available in SuperSaaS, you may find this process rather inconvenient to do by hand. In that case you would want to export your user list in CSV file and edit the Group column in a spreadsheet. From there, import the file to update. All users you assigned to the “Beginners” group in your spreadsheet should now also be included in the User Group in SuperSaaS.

Determine what a user group can access

There are different ways to go about setting up your account and the schedules inside it. For groups, you would want to create a “capacity schedule”, learn how to set it up here.

You could offer all your lessons in one capacity schedule, or you could offer each group of learners a separate schedule.

Limit access to different schedules

Let’s look at how you could offer learner groups different schedules first. If you have not created a “Beginners” schedule yet, now is the time to do so. Create a capacity schedule specifically for your beginning learners.

Once the schedule is configured to your liking, you will want to restrict access to the “Beginners” user group only. To change the access settings for your schedule, go back to your Dashboard and click Configure > Access.

Under “Who can see the schedule?” toggle Clients have to log in to see the schedule…. Then, under Only allow access by clients from group select the “Beginners” group in the drop-down menu. Don’t forget to save the change at the bottom of the page.

At this point, only beginners should be able to access the schedule. You can test this by creating a user account with another email address, and not adding this account to the user group. Log into that account, then try to access the schedule. You should be denied access and receive a message stating you are blocked. If you’d like, you can also update that message under Configure > Layout. You could, for example, let other learners know that “the administrator will need to approve you before you can access this schedule”.

When beginners sign up as a user of your schedule, they are not automatically assigned to a user group. You could use the “Blocked Schedule” page, therefore, to notify new users that they will be assigned to the correct user group shortly. In the case of a beginning learner needing access to the beginner schedule, simply add your user account to the “Beginner” user group and ask that they refresh the schedule page.

Limit access to different appointments

If you want to schedule lessons and present all learners with the same service schedule so they can see your availability outside the lessons you teach, you likely want to restrict which class levels your beginners can sign up to. In this scenario, you can expand on your knowledge from our previous blog on advanced pricing to make advanced classes unavailable to beginners.

To do so, go to Configure > Resources, toggle the option Add a price field to the “create new slot” dialog, save, then click “Set up pricing”. You can use this method for individual lessons on a resource schedule as well.

The rule you want to create is as follows: Perform action: Set to unavailable if all of the following conditions are met: …the resource is Advanced …the user’s group is equal to “Beginners”.

Of course, if you offer more than two levels of lessons you will need to create additional rules that follow a similar structure.

To achieve a similar result on a capacity schedule, you could give different class levels a different color in your schedule and filter for that specific color with a URL extension. Read more about it in our blog on directing users to a specific class, resource or service.

Greater flexibility in access levels

Perhaps you have an advanced learner who has agreed to assist you during beginner lessons, and you would like this user to be the superuser for a specific schedule. For this specific case there is a shortcut! Instead of going through the steps of setting up an “Assistant” user group, adding the user, and then allowing that group on the beginner schedule, there is a single setting on the Access tab where you can promote a user for just that schedule. It only works for a single user, so if you want to have two users be superuser for that schedule you do need to use user groups.

As you can tell, you are not limited to simply granting your learners regular access or superuser access to your SuperSaaS account. Your beginning learners can be restricted to their own “Beginner” schedule, or they can view all lesson levels while only reserving classes that suit their current skill set. Now if you take the advanced pricing rules one step further, you could even create subsections in your “Beginners” group. For example, you could create “Weekday beginners” or “Intensive beginners” groups to restrict access to lessons on specific days of the week. This may be useful if you offer general weekday courses and intensive beginner courses during the weekend.

All this to say: with user groups, you can create a diverse range of access, tailored exactly to your users’ needs. Should you require any assistance in the process, our support team is ready to help. Simply reach out on our feedback form.